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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

It is time to get back in the game.

Take control of your quality of life. You can recapture your youth and vitality!

FAQ & Questions.

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It’s been estimated that over 13 million men suffer from low testosterone (Low T), and most of them don’t even know it.

Instead they endure the ever worsening symptoms of fatigue, lowered drive and libido, steady weight gain and loss of mental clarity as if it were an accepted part of aging. The physicians at Low T Center utilize medical laboratory testing and evaluations to determine whether the real problem is actually low testosterone – which is very treatable via testosterone replacement therapy.

Want to restore the energy you used to have? Increase your drive or libido? Control those extra pounds you’ve been gaining? Stop by our conveniently located clinic today and gain peace of mind—and youthful vigor, too.

  • Decreased energy
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Emotional changes
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Decreased libido
  • Increased body fat
  • Irritability
  • Decreased bone density
  • Swollen and/or breast tenderness (gynecomastia)
  • Hair loss is possible
  • Memory loss

  1. Normal process of aging
  2. Certain Chronic medical Illnesses
  3. Trauma
  4. Rare genetic deficiencies/problems
  5. Environmental Toxins (specifically dibromodichloropropane)
  6. Tumor of the Hypothalamus/Pituitary gland
  7. Idiopathic (no cause identified)

Knowledge is the first step in any medical process. Learn more about the potential causes of Low Testosterone through individual research, or ask one of Our Nexus Doctors. Here at the Nexus Clinic we have highly skilled, specially trained medical professionals on staff to thoroughly evaluate and treat your condition. After a thorough investigation, if appropriate, men receive testosterone therapy at our clinic, which is second to none. We have blazed the path for men with this condition, and will to continue to treat this prominent condition to achieve optimal success, with minimal side effects, all the while setting the standard for testosterone replacement therapy.

If you’ve been wondering, “What is low testosterone? And what can we, at Nexus Clinic can do about low testosterone?” Then we have good news: the condition of hypogonadism, or Low T, is treatable! Testosterone replacement therapy has improved the quality of life of a growing multitude of men worldwide, and it may be something that can help you if you have been experiencing some of the symptoms I have been mentioning.

Testosterone replacement isn’t about becoming super-human. It isn’t even about trying to be 20 years old again. It is about being the “you” you are supposed to be right now; The “you” that nature intended before illness, stress, injuries, surgeries, medications, and behaviours that reduce testosterone levels crept in and altered your natural production. Most men with low testosterone trudge through their daily routine low on energy, finding it difficult to concentrate, and feeling more than just a step behind.

The workday is a struggle that leaves you with little reserve at the end of the day for your family or yourself. Low T can profoundly affect your mood, making it difficult for you to overcome that “short fuse” you end up with at the end of each day. This matters, not just to you, but to your family as well. Your wife notices, your children notice, and if you take just a moment to think about it, we would bet that you would see just what we, at Nexus Clinic are talking about.

The symptoms of Low T are many, and they can manifest quite differently from person to person. Fortunately, the benefits of testosterone therapy (TRT) are also many.

You may suffer profoundly from fatigue and experience little else or you may have little trouble with energy levels, but have a wife who is frustrated with your lacking sex drive/libido or complain about your eternally grumpy mood. Still, you may notice your performance at work deteriorating, because of difficulty concentrating.

Just as the symptoms of testosterone deficiency (hypogonadism) can vary widely, the same can be said about the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) from patient to patient. The best-documented symptoms linked to Low T are fatigue and diminished libido. Therefore, it is no surprise that increased energy and a boost in sexual desire top the list of benefits of testosterone therapy (TRT).

The benefits of testosterone therapy (TRT) reach beyond just boosting energy and sex drive, it could potentially help to:

  • Reduce fat and increase muscle
  • Improve your concentration
  • Maintain sleep and feel more rested
  • Maintain bone density/strength
  • Increase strength and athletic performance
  • Improve mood
  • Improve insulin sensitivity
  • Improve erectile function
  • Heighten your motivation
  • Increase your sense of well-being

Some experts in the field cite testosterone’s natural anti-inflammatory effects as the reason why some men enjoy a reduction in joint pain. Some symptoms are difficult to describe and certainly not all have been proven in formal medical studies, but still the evidence of clinical results remain.

It is very important to understand that these benefits don’t magically appear after the first treatment. It takes time to manage the delicate balance of hormones properly. Most patients begin to notice improvements in the first month of therapy, but by and large the most significant changes begin to occur at the 4-6 week mark. Testosterone, estradiol, and sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) all play vital roles in your therapy. Lab results, symptomatic response, and careful clinical medical decision making must all be considered to affect the kind of difference you deserve.

The most important factors in whether you achieve maximal response are your consistency with treatment, and how well your care is managed. Treating Low T can be tricky and it certainly requires an experienced doctor. Make sure to carefully evaluate the risks as well as the benefits of testosterone therapy (TRT) when you are considering treatment. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about Low testosterone.